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Table 1 Clinicopathologic characteristics of 460 nipple-sparing mastectomy procedures

From: Factors associated with alteration of nipple or skin sensation and impact of duration of time following nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM): an analysis of 460 cases with comparison of conventional versus endoscopic- or robotic-assisted NSM


N = 460

Age, year

48.3 ± 9.1

 < 40

75 (16.3)

40, < 60

329 (71.5)


56 (12.2)



221 (48.1)


239 (51.9)

BMI (body mass index)

23.7 ± 3.7

 < 18

19 (4.1)


271 (58.9)

 > 24

170 (37.0)

Surgical methods

 Conventional NSM

174 (37.8)

 Endoscopic-assisted NSM

195 (42.4)

 Robotic-assisted NSM

91 (19.8)

Specimen size, g (NA = 48)

327.1 ± 184.5

 < 180

66 (16.01)


173 (41.99)


93 (22.57)

 > 450

80 (19.41)

Surgical ALN staging method (NA = 46)


298 (71.9)


85 (20.6)


31 (7.5)

Tumor size, cm (NA = 87)

2.5 ± 2.2

ALN metastasis on pathology (NA = 44)


290 (69.7)


96 (23.1)


24 (5.8)


6 (1.4)

Stage (NA = 64)


87 (21.9)


107 (27.1)


157 (39.7)


44 (11.1)


1 (0.2)

ER (NA = 76)


320 (83.3)


64 (16.7)

PR (NA = 78)


270 (70.7)


112 (29.3)

HER-2 (NA = 131)


80 (24.3)


249 (75.7)

Ki-67 (NA = 189)


139 (51.3)

 > 14

132 (48.7)

Pathology (NA = 3)


94 (20.6)


261 (57.1)


16 (3.5)


3 (0.6)


83 (18.2)

Operation time

224.2 ± 124.3



383 (83.3)


77 (16.7)



102 (22.2)


358 (77.8)

Chemotherapy (NA = 31)


174 (40.6)


255 (59.4)

Radiotherapy (NA = 31)


116 (27.1)


313 (72.9)



37 (8)


423 (92)



30 (6.5)


430 (93.5)

Follow-up time (time since surgery) month

42.4 ± 32.5

  1. BMI body mass index, ALN axillary lymph node, SLNB sentinel lymph node biopsy, ALND axillary lymph node dissection, NSM nipple-sparing mastectomy. IDC, IDC, IDC + ILC, IDC + LCIS, IDC + DCIS < 10%, IDC + DCIS (IDC + DCIS = IDC + DCIS, IDC + DCIS + LCIS). ILC, ILC, ILC + LCIS, ILC + DCIS. other, other cancer