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Fig. 3 | World Journal of Surgical Oncology

Fig. 3

From: Differential treatment responses to immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy in a case of multiple primary malignancies: the programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1) negative ureteral and lung metastasis from a clear cell renal cell carcinoma appearing after robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy progressed after ICI therapy, while synchronous PD-L1-positive primary lung squamous cell carcinoma responded very well to ICI therapy: a case report

Fig. 3

Contrast-enhanced computed tomographic images obtained before and non-enhanced computed tomographic images obtained after the combined multidrug therapy including atezolizumab. A Well-enhanced mass in the left upper ureter (white arrow), B right lung metastasis from the renal cell carcinoma (RCC), and C primary SCC in the left lung before the therapy. D The ureteral (white arrow) and E right lung metastasis from the RCC grew after the therapy, while F the primary SCC in the left lung almost disappeared

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