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Fig. 7 | World Journal of Surgical Oncology

Fig. 7

From: Clinical and experimental study of a terahertz time-domain system for the determination of the pathological margins of laryngeal carcinoma

Fig. 7

PCA score plots of terahertz optical parameters of laryngeal carcinoma, adjacent tissue, and normal tissue (red represents laryngeal carcinoma tissue, blue represents paracancerous tissue, and green represents normal tissue; three principal components were extracted, PC1 + PC2 + PC3 = 0.90). Laryngeal tumor, adjacent tissue, and normal tissue absorption coefficient values are distributed in different areas, which shows that the three groups can be well distinguished by the absorption coefficient. For the refractive index, the boundary between normal tissue and tumor tissue is obvious, but they are still distributed in different areas, which shows that the refractive index can be used to well distinguish between the three groups. a Absorption coefficient and b refractive index

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