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Table 1 Primary cutaneous neuroendocrine tumours

From: Neuroendocrine carcinoma arising in soft tissue: three case reports and literature review


Age M/F





Van Dijk C et al, 1975 [7]

72 yr Female

Cystic lesion on forehead with flushing

Argophyllic granules


Flushing resolved. No recurrence × 1 yr

Brody HJ et al, 1979 [8]

75 yr Female

Hyperpigmented nodule with periumbilical induration. Elevated 5HIAA. Associated hyperparathyroidism

Strongly positive argentaffin reaction


Not given in report

Collina et al, 1988 [26]

80 yr Male

Nodule behind right ear × 12 m

Argophyllic granules. Chromgranin positive Negative argentaffin reaction

Wide excision

No recurrence 21 months later

Bart RS et al, 1990 [9]

40 yr Male

Red-tan soft nodule on abdomen × 4 years

Argophyllic large and varied granules. NSE, keratin +ve

Wide excision

Alive and well 2 years later

Smith PA et al, 1995 [10]

62 yr Female

Firm blue-ish nodule on chest

Argophyllic granules. Postive argentaffin reaction

Wide excision

Alive at 4 years. Well apart from claudication

Courville P et al, 2000 [11]

60 yr Male

Erythematous nodule on chest

Argophyllic granules. Positive argentaffin reaction. Chromogranin A, NSE


Alive without recurrence 4 years after excision

MacKenzie DN et al, 2003 [12]

70 yr Female

Hard node on scalp with metastasis to occipital lymph node

Synaptophysin, NSE, keratin, CEA +ve

Excision of lesion and occipital lymph node

4 years later further lymph node metastasis. Metastatic node recurrence 2 years later