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Archived Comments for: Tumour risk associated with use of cellular telephones or cordless desktop telephones

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  1. Cancer Risk Factors and Oncological Terrain.

    Sergio Stagnaro, Biophysical Semeiotics Research Laboratory

    3 December 2006


    I think that because a remarkable congenital functional mitochondrial cytopathology is overlooked, a "conditio sine qua non" of the most frequent and dangerous human disorders, including malignancies, current clinical research is fundamentally biased. That is, it does not consider the existence or assess the seriousness as well as the location of Congenital Acidosic Enzyme-Metabolic Histangiopathy (1, 2) (See website In fact, both environmental risk factors, including the use of cellular and cordless telephones, suggested as a risk factor for brain cancer, "could" influence some human biological functions and/or bring about different disorders, such as cancers, exclusively in relation to both the presence and intensity of CAEMH in a well-defined biological system, Oncological Terrain is based on.

    In previous articles and books, I illustrated in details this overlooked functional mitochondrial cytopathology, I have termed Congenital Acidosic Enzyme-Metabolic Histangiopathy; it represents the genetic factor of all biophysical-semeiotic constitutions as well as common human disorders (1-7).

    For instance, apart from the well-known negative influence of oral contraceptive use on breast oncogenesis (4) and/or the use of cellular and cordless telephones, as regards brain cancer, we have to consider the importance of the genetic predisposition (i.e., "Oncological Terrain",See www.semeioticabiofisica), as far as the onset of a lot of disorders is concerned, including solid as well as liquid malignancies. At this point, I would emphasise the well-known pathological powerful influence of smoking on tissue oxygen supply to all biological systems (3, 4). This effect varies notoriously in prevalence and intensity among individuals in relation to such as congenital mitochondrial cytopathology, i.e. Congenital Acidosic Enzyme-Metabolic Histangiopathy (2). The both "silent" and dangerous action is easy to evaluate at the bed-side with the aid of a stethoscope. I suggest first investigating (i.e., before whatever research) the presence and intensity of CAEMH in the "tested" population, and soon thereafter assessing prevalence and intensity of the "Oncological Terrain" and cancer real risk (1-7), which always develops on the basis of the above-mentioned congenital cytopathology (1-7). In fact, without this alteration of psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunological system, oncogenesis is not possible.

    1) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M. Istangiopatia Congenita Acidosica Enzimo Metabolica. Gazz. Med. It.- Arch. Sci. Med. 144, 423, 1985.

    2) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M. Una patologia mitocondriale ignorata: la Istangiopatia Congenita Acidosica Enzimo-Metabolica. Gazz. Med. It. - Arch. Sci. Med. 149, 67 1990.

    3)Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S. Deterministic Chaos, Preconditioning and Myocardial Oxygenation evaluated clinically with the aid of Biophysical Semeiotics in the Diagnosis of ischaemic Heart Disease even silent. Acta Med. Medit. 13, 109 1997.

    4) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S., Cancro della mammella: prevenzione primaria e diagnosi precoce con la percussione ascoltata. Gazz. Med. It. – Arch. Sc. Med. 152, 447 1993

    5) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S. Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno Oncologico. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004.

    6) Stagnaro Sergio. "Genes, Oncological Terrain, and Breast Cancer" World Journal of Surgical Oncology., 2005,

    7) Stagnaro Sergio. Teoria Patogenetica Unificata, 2006, Ed. Travel Factory, Roma.

    Competing interests

    None declared
