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Table 1 Demographics and tumor characteristics of patients diagnosed with stage I to IV CRC

From: Does geography influence the treatment and outcomes of colorectal cancer? A population-based analysis


RHA group


Overall (N = 2,086)

Winnipeg (n = 1,206)

North Manitoba (n = 65)

South Manitoba (n = 496)

Middle Manitoba (n = 319)

P value

Mean age in years (range)

70 ± 13.00

70 ± 13.21

65 ± 13.06

70 ± 13.08

71 ± 11.80


(20 to 103)

(25 to 103)

(31 to 92)

(20 to 94)

(39 to 94)

Age group (n (%))


  >70 years

1,182 (56.66)

695 (57.63)

25 (38.46)

277 (55.85)

185 (57.99)


  <70 years

904 (43.34)

511 (42.37)

40 (61.54)

219 (44.15)

134 (42.01)


Age quartilesa (n (%))


  Quartile 1

542 (25.98)

324 (26.87)

27 (41.54)

129 (26.01)

62 (19.44)


  Quartile 2

522 (25.02)

282 (23.38)

17 (26.15)

120 (24.19)

103 (32.29)


  Quartile 3

530 (25.41)

312 (25.87)

12 (18.46)

128 (25.81)

78 (24.45)


  Quartile 4

492 (23.59)

288 (23.88)

9 (13.85)

119 (23.99)

76 (23.82)


Gender (n (%))



963 (46.16)

576 (47.76)

29 (44.62)

223 (44.96)

135 (42.32)



1,123 (53.84)

630 (52.24)

36 (55.38)

273 (55.04)

184 (57.68)


Diagnosis year (n (%))



706 (33.84)

413 (34.25)

20 (30.77)

164 (33.06)

109 (34.17)



671 (32.17)

389 (32.26)

25 (38.46)

156 (31.45)

101 (31.66)



709 (33.99)

404 (33.50)

20 (30.77)

176 (35.48)

109 (34.17)


Site (n (%))



1,376 (65.96)

788 (65.34)

44 (67.69)

336 (67.74)

208 (65.20)



202 (9.68)

116 (9.62)

7 (10.77)

54 (10.89)

25 (7.84)



508 (24.35)

302 (25.04)

14 (21.54)

106 (21.37)

86 (26.96)


AJCC stage (n (%))



403 (19.32)

226 (18.74)

7 (10.77)

114 (22.98)

56 (17.55)



575 (27.56)

334 (27.69)

19 (29.23)

139 (28.02)

83 (26.02)



610 (29.24)

364 (30.18)

15 (23.08)

134 (27.02)

97 (30.41)



439 (21.05)

255 (21.14)

20 (30.77)

95 (19.15)

69 (21.63)


  Unknown/NAb (n (%))

59 (2.83)

27 (2.24)

4 (6.15)

14 (2.82)

14 (4.39)

  1. aQuartile 1: age 20 years to 61 years, quartile 2: age greater than 61 years to 72 years, quartile 3: age greater than 72 years to 80 years, and quartile 4: age greater than 80 years to 103 years; bone or more elements of the AJCC stage is missing or staging scheme is not applicable; cusage of Monte-Carlo estimation of exact P value instead of direct P value computations, since the sample size is large and some cell values are less than five. AJCC American Joint Committee on Cancer, CRC colorectal cancer, NA not applicable, RHA regional health authority.