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Fig. 6 | World Journal of Surgical Oncology

Fig. 6

From: Overexpressed VDAC1 in breast cancer as a novel prognostic biomarker and correlates with immune infiltrates

Fig. 6

Correlation of VDAC1 expression and infiltration levels of immune cells in BC patients. A The relation between VDAC1 expression with 24 common immune cells infiltration analyzed by ssGSEA. B Scatter plots depicting the association between VDAC1 expression and 24 immune cell infiltration analyzed by ssGSEA. C Scatter plots depicting the association between VDAC1 expression and infiltration of immune cells analyzed by MCP-counter. D Scatter plots depicting the association between VDAC1 expression and infiltration of immune cells analyzed by TIMER. E Box diagram showing the stromal scores, immune scores, and ESTIMATE score in the low and high VDAC1 expression groups analyzed by the ESTIMATE algorithm

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