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Table 2 Comparison of the MSTS scores and ISOLS scores between the two groups at the last follow-up

From: Comparative efficacy of intraoperative extracorporeal irradiated and alcohol-inactivated autograft reimplantation for the management of osteosarcomas—a multicentre retrospective study


Group A (n = 14)

Extracorporeal irradiation treatment

Group B (n = 14)

Alcohol-inactivated treatment

P value

MSTS score

25.33 ± 4.72

24.00 ± 5.85


ISOLS score

25.79 ± 5.13

26.14 ± 5.33


  1. aThere was no difference in the MSTS score between the two groups (according to the independent-samples t test, P > 0.05)
  2. bThere was no difference in the ISOLS score between the three groups (according to the independent-samples t test, P > 0.05)
  3. Musculoskeletal Tumour Society (MSTS) score, International Society of Limb Salvage (ISOLS) score