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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of all patients with pancreatic cancer

From: Time interval-based indication for liver resection of metastasis from pancreatic cancer


(n = 79)



66 (41–83)

Primary operation





50 (63.3)

 Distal pancreatectomy


28 (35.4)

 Total pancreatectomy


1 (1.3)

TMN classification stage





4 (5.1)



6 (7.6)



24 (30.4)



18 (22.7)



26 (32.9)



1 (1.3)

Serum bilirubin


0.69 (0.2–11.7)

Serum albumin


4.0 (3.5–4.9)

Carcinoembryonic antigen


3.85 (0.6–255)

Carbohydrate antigen 19-9


104.9 (0.1–13,820)

Operation time


446 (193–738)

Intraoperative blood loss


370 (25–1720)

Adjuvant chemotherapy after pancreatectomy


20 (25)

  1. Values represent median with range