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Table 1 Literature review of mixed epithelial and stromal tumour of seminal vesicle

From: Low grade epithelial stromal tumour of the seminal vesicle


Years Presentation symptoms

Radiological findings

Surgical specimen/Treatment (symbol)

Histology/Follow up

Plaut et al (1944)^

66. Asymptomatic Palpable mass in left lower abdominal quadrant

Not performed

14 × 11 × 8 cm mass connected to another 8.5 × 6 × 6 cm mass by a pedicle-like structure/*

Cystomyoma/NED 5 months after surgery

Soule H et al (1951)

47. Fatigue, nocturia, rectal mass on physical examination

Not performed

14 × 6 × 6 cm cystic mass/*

Cystoadenoma/Not reported

Kinas et al (1987)

63. Pelvic mass on physical examination

Pelvic mass compressing extrinsically UB (IVP), displacing the rectosigmoid to the left and upwards (barium enema). CT: large, soft tissue density located on the posterolateral aspect of the UB. The UB and rectum were displaced toward the left side without signs of invasion

Not reported/*

Mesonephric hamartoma/Not reported

Mazur et al (1987)

49. Acute urinary retention

IVP: 7.5 × 5.0 cm mass indenting the posterior and interior aspect of the UB

7 × 5 × 2.5 cm cystic mass at the first operation and 8.5 × 7 × 7 cm cystic mass at the second exploration/*=

Cystic epithelial stromal tumor/Recurrence locally 2 years after the first excision. Ned.18 months after re-excision

Fain et al (1992)

61. Acute urinary retention

CT: solid mass of high density in the region of the left SV

8 × 5 × 6.5 cm tan polypoid mass obliterating the left SV/°

Cystosarcoma phyllodes/Lung metastases 4 years after resection

Laurila et al (1992)

49. Gradual decrease in urinary stream for several years

Large fluid filled mass in the lower abdomen (US) located directly superior to the prostate and dorsal to the UB replacing the right SV (CT)

6 ×5 × 5 cm cystic mass/°

Müllerian adenosarcomalike tumour/NED 4 years after surgery

Mazzuc-chelli et al (1992)

63. Intermittent increasing pain in the left inguinal area

IVP: left external compression of the UB

3 × 1.5 × 1 cm mass located within the left SV/*Ω

Cystoadenoma (benign fibroepithelial and cystic tumour)/NED 8 years after surgery

Baschinsky et al (1998)

37. Bladder outlet obstruction and hematospermia

CT: 6.2 × 6.2 cm mass of mixed attenuation located posterior to the UB and anterior to the rectum

6.5 ×5 × 3.5 cm tumour with a coarsely lobulated, almost cerebriform contour and a smooth, glistening, tan surface/°#

Cystoadenoma/NED 6 months after surgery

Santos et al (2001)

49. lower abdominal discomfort

CT: 15 × 9.5 × 7 cm heterogeneous soft tissue density mass within the pelvis near the midline, situated in close proximity to the right of SV and anterior wall of the rectum

16 × 11 × 7 cm, well-circumscribed, oval, firm to rubbery solid-cystic mass/*

Cystoadenoma/Not reported

Abe et al (2002)

65. urinary hesitancy, frequency, and constipation

CT: 5.5 × 6 cm solid mass involving nearly the entire right SV, compressing the prostate to the left anterior side, but distinct from the prostate. IVP: compression of the UB to the left anterior side

Not reported

Cystosarcoma phyllodes/lung metastasis seven months after surgery, death 11 months after surgery

Gil et al (2003)

49. Asymptomatic

CT-MRI: 9 cm well-defined expansive tumour, predominantly cystic, with septations, replacing the left SV

7 × 5 × 4.5 cm cystic mass/*

Cystoadenoma/NED 3 years after surgery

Zanetti et al (2003)

62. Soft mass in the site of the left SV on rectal examination

US-CT: on the left retrovesical position presence of a cystic mass with a 2.5 cm solid tumour inside

Not reported/*

Fibroepithelial tumour/NED (one year after surgery)

Son et al (2004)

39. Urinary retention and lower abdominal discomfort

CT: 14.5 × 12 cm heterogeneous soft tissue density mass located posterior to the UB and anterior to the rectum

16 × 13.5 × 8.5 cm tumour mass and a 5.1 × 3.3 × 1.5 cm tissue separated from the base of the mass/*Ω

Phyllodes tumour/NED 12 months after surgery and radiotherapy

Hoshi et al (2006)

70. General fatigue, lower abdominal pain

MRI: mass in the SV with a thin capsule of low-signal intensity; with compression of the prostate to the left anterior side but distinct from the prostate

4.5 cm in diameter, coarsely lobulated tumour with a smooth surface and surrounded by a thin fibrous capsule/°

Epithelial stromal tumour with phyllodes tumour-like features/NED 14 months after surgery

Lee et al (2006)

46. Asymptomatic

Sagittal T2-wighted MRI: multiseptated cystic lesion with heterogeneous signal intensity, originating from the posterior region of the prostate and extending superiorly over the UB

7.5 × 7 × 6 cm, well-circumscribed, oval, rubbery and lobulated contour mass/@

Cystadenoma/NED 6 months after surgery

  1. ^ In the cystomyoma of Plaut and Standard it is unclear whether the epithelium is a component of the neoplasm or an entrapped native structure. For these reasons the neoplasm should not be considered as a true MEST.
  2. Treatment: * tumorectomy Ω left vesciculectomy @ Removal tumour mass, left SV, portion of both right and left vas deferens ° radical cysto-prostatectomy # radical cystoprostatectomy and low anterior resection of the rectum. = tumorectomy, removal of a portion of the bladder, of both right and left vas deferens and rectal muscularis propria.
  3. Legend: UB = Urinary bladder; NED = No evidence of disease; IVP = Excretory urography; US = Ultrasonography; SV = Seminal vesicle.