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Fig. 8 | World Journal of Surgical Oncology

Fig. 8

From: Screening and identifying of biomarkers in early colorectal cancer and adenoma based on genome-wide methylation profiles

Fig. 8

Screening and detection of methylated gene markers in colorectal cancer and adenoma. A Box plot of methylation indices for colorectal adenoma and colorectal cancer analyzed by pyrosequencing. The methylation index (MI) of each gene is presented for normal control, adenoma, and colorectal cancer as a boxplot. Whiskers of the boxplot mark the 5 and 95 percentiles; the box marks the 25 (low boundary of box), median, and 75 (upper boundary of box) percentiles and extreme values. B Receiver operator curve (ROC) analysis for ZNF471 predicting aberrant methylation in adenoma. C ROC analysis for ZNF471 predicting aberrant methylation in colorectal cancer. D ROC analysis for SND1 predicting aberrant methylation in adenoma. E ROC analysis for SND1 predicting aberrant methylation in colorectal cancer. F ROC analysis for SPOCK1 predicting aberrant methylation in adenoma. G ROC analysis for SPOCK1 predicting aberrant methylation in colorectal cancer. H ROC analysis for FBLIM1 predicting aberrant methylation in adenoma. I ROC analysis for FBLIM1 predicting aberrant methylation in colorectal cancer. J ROC analysis for OTX1 predicting aberrant methylation in adenoma. K ROC analysis for OTX1 predicting aberrant methylation in colorectal cancer

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