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Fig. 14 | World Journal of Surgical Oncology

Fig. 14

From: Integrative bioinformatics analysis of WDHD1: a potential biomarker for pan-cancer prognosis, diagnosis, and immunotherapy

Fig. 14

A brief summary of the main findings in this work. WDHD1 is highly expressed in tumor tissues and is a potential pan-cancer prognostic and diagnostic biomarker. WDHD1 expression is associated with tumor grading and staging and correlates with the IC50 of rapamycin and paclitaxel. Meanwhile, WDHD1 is linked to many oncogenic pathways and may participate in tumorigenesis through influencing tumor heterogeneity, stemness, and RNA methylation modifications. In the final, WDHD1 is associated with the TIME and can predict the efficacy of immunotherapy

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