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Figure 1 | World Journal of Surgical Oncology

Figure 1

From: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumors of the uterus: histopathological evaluation of cell cycle and apoptotic regulatory proteins

Figure 1

Histopathological Evaluation with Immunohistochemical Staining. A: Hematoxylin-eosin stain (original magnification ×250). The star (*) indicates the malignant heterologous component of uterine MMMT. B: Hematoxylin-eosin stain (original magnification ×250). The arrows indicate the malignant epithelial component of uterine MMMT. C: Staining with Bax antibody (original magnification ×250). The expression of Bax antibody is diffuse with the thin arrowhead indicating weak staining, the thick arrowhead indicating medium staining, and the tailed arrow indicating strong staining. D: Staining with p53 antibody(original magnification ×250). The star (*) indicates the negatively stained heterologous sarcomatous element, and the arrow indicates positive staining in the epithelial component. E: Staining with p16 antibody (original magnification ×250). The star (*) indicates the negatively stained region, and the arrow indicates the strong positive staining in the malignant epithelial glands. F: Staining with Cyclin D1 antibody (original magnification ×250). The star (*) indicates the negatively stained heterologous sarcomatous element, while the arrow indicates a focus positive staining in the adjacent epithelial component.

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